Husband. Dad to 5. Student Ministry Pastor. Follower of Jesus. Yatta yatta.


If you wanna read the New Testament in the next 12 weeks with me, then you can step up to the challenge with some students in Encounter and I.

I met with a student last week to talk about faith and calling and goals and stuff and he said that he wanted to read through the New Testament 3x this summer.

I asked, “Do you have a plan as to how you’re going to do that?”
He said, “No, not really.”

So I decided to help him out and create a way for him to read it through just once in twelve weeks and publish it for all our students last weekend in our weekend program. I figured 3x was a little ambitious for most, so I made a plan for just 1x and figured that if he wanted to go hog wild and triple it, he could.

So, wanna join in the fun?

If so, just say so in the comments and do this:

Goal: each of the next 12 weeks, read about 4 chapters a day for six days.
you get to skip 1 day a week just cuz life happens
or use it to catch up cuz you read slow 🙂

Result: you’ll have done it in just under 12 weeks.
if you start today with this reading plan, you’ll be done on Wed., august 26th.

you can also download a pdf of it here.

day 1 Matt 1-4
day 2 Matt 2-8
day 3 Matt 9-12
day 4 Matt 13-16
day 5 Matt 17-20
day 6 Matt 21-24

day 1 John 5-8
day 2 John 9-12
day 3 John 13-16
day 4 John 17-21
day 5 Acts 1-4
day 6 Acts 5-8

day 1 1cor 13-16
day 2 2cor 1-4
day 3 2cor 5-8
day 4 2cor 9-13
day 5 Gal 1-3
day 6 Gal 4-6

day 1 James 1-3
day 2 James 4-5
day 3 1Pe 1-2
day 4 1Pe 3-5
day 5 2Pe 1-3
day 6 1Jo 1-3

day 1 Matt 25-28
day 2 Mark 1-4
day 3 Mark 5-8
day 4 Mark 9-12
day 5 Mark 13-16
day 6 Luke 1-4

day 1 Acts 9-12
day 2 Acts 13-16
day 3 Acts 17-20
day 4 Acts 21-24
day 5 Acts 25-28
day 6 Rom 1-4

day 1 Eph 1-3
day 2 Eph 4-6
day 3 Phil 1-4
day 4 Col 1-4
day 5 1th 1-5
day 6 2th 1-3

day 1 1Jo 4-5 & 2Jo
day 2 3Jo and Jude
day 3 Rev 1-3
day 4 Rev 4-6
day 5 Rev 7-9
day 6 Rev 10-12

day 1 Luke 5-8
day 2 Luke 9-12
day 3 Luke 13-16
day 4 Luke 17-20
day 5 Luke 21-24
day 6 John 1-4

day 1 Rom 5-8
day 2 Rom 9-12
day 3 Rom 13-16
day 4 1cor 1-4
day 5 1cor 5-8
day 6 1cor 9-12

day 1 1ti 1-3
day 2 2ti 4-6
day 3 Tit. & Phil.
day 4 Heb. 1-4
day 5 Heb. 5-8
day 6 Heb. 9-13

day 1 Rev 13-15
day 2 Rev 16-18
day 3 Rev 19-22


  1. Anonymous says:

    I’m down! Sounds like just the thing i need. Hey have any clue where you can find those really cool journal bibles i have been hearing about?

    Kristin Blalock

  2. Hey Kristin,

    welcome to my summer reading challenge. One of the pastors on our team just got one of those cool things. Saw it on his desk last week and got stupid jealous. Trying not to buy it just cuz I want it.

    But I think you should. Here’s a link to one:

    peace out girl.

  3. I want in!!! I’ve been ‘stalking’ your blog long enough. Now its time to introduce myself! Hi, I’m Jodes. :o) I’d love to join with you guys in this challenge. Thanks for putting this together. :o)

  4. Hi Jodes. welcome to my blog and enjoy the sermon on the mount today!

  5. Dude. This looks awesome. Thanks for posting it for everyone to see and use. I was thinking as I was reading your post that that would just be a good resource to have on hand for when a student asks.

    So thanks!


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