Well, if you read my blog tonight or early in the morning, I just called my local jamba juice and confirmed the rumor that I read on the internet last week is true. Free jamba breakfast between 6am and 10am on Tuesday, April 8th. I’m going with my boys in the morning before school. Hope the line isn’t around the block.
My whole department of 10 employees are planning on going at about 9:00am. We are hoping to miss the morning rush hour. Here’s another tip: Baskin Robbins is having a 31 cents scoop night on April 30, 5:00pm to 10:00pm.
April 29th is Ben and Jerry’s free scoop day from 9am to 10pm too. Sounds like free ice cream all around, if you can brave the lines.
oops. I mean 10am to 9pm. But either way- the lines will be long at Seaport Village.