A couple weeks ago, Shannon had to work and so she asked me if I could take her mom and Gary to the airport. It was a Tuesday and I had a midterm for my evangelism class that night. Add to it the fact that I was borderline burnt out on ministry from a crazy few months of seemingly non-stop church life and I decided to take my books and computer with me and spend the day out of the office studying in a different environment. So I dropped them off around 12:30pm and it was such an amazing day that I chose to just sit in my car on Harbor Island Drive near the airport. I rolled down all the windows, pushed the passenger seat all the way back, got out a deli sandwich I bought and some java and read, memorized (uh crammed), and studied for my test. One of the few times however that I could ever honestly say studying was actually refreshing. Here’s the view out my window that explains why.
Next time I think I’m going here to run the boardwalk to seaport village and back.
Dude, my wife and I just did a mini-vacation in San Diego last week and ended up on the same exact stretch of road! It’s an amazing view and an amazing feel right there. I wished I had brought my running stuff so I could do a morning or evening run down there. I ALMOST went and bought stuff so I could….but I didn’t.
Mike, let me know the next time you’re down and I’ll take you up on that run.
I heart harbor island, too. My favorite run is actually from shelter island, around harbor island, to Seaport Village and back. It’s beautiful, usually has a nice breeze and a TON of really different people that I don’t see in my day-to-day. Definitely do that one of these days.