Husband. Dad to 5. Student Ministry Pastor. Follower of Jesus. Yatta yatta.


Well coaching soccer, seminary, work, house fiascos, family stuff, and writing my second book have all caused blogging to take a back for most of the fall and the last 2 months completely.

I wanted to launch a new website/blog design for 2013, but time has me slammed still and my creative energies are tied up elsewhere… so that’s still to come.   But I do miss blogging and I’m going to make an attempt to pick it up 3x a week.

My goal is to write 3 nights a week and post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.  Some stuff on life in youth ministry, some stuff on family, and some stuff on my latest book I think will be the subjects I’ll chase after this winter.

So if you still have this blog feed in your reader or you happen to drop in here from time-to-time still and my last 60 day hiatus didn’t scare you away, then we’ll see you in 2013 as I share what overflows out of my heart and mind and soul with those who care to read and interact with it.


  1. I’ve missed your thoughts!

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