Husband. Dad to 5. Student Ministry Pastor. Follower of Jesus. Yatta yatta.

Archives for March 2009


I’ve been teaching this gig around the country called YS One Day and has me flying around the country these days- which if you follow this blog is not news to you.  Anyway, it’s about teaching the Bible to students and is four sessions long. The last one talks about ways to change up the “normal approaches” we have to teaching the Bible to students.  One of them is called “RECAST” and it’s all about changing the medium in which the Bible passage is presented to students- so like putting the bible to music or art or whatever.

So, when I saw this rap of a southwest employee “recasting” the classic safety speach on a friends blog, it made me laugh and think of YS One Day too.  So incase this old news is new news to you, this is super funny.   My last trip to teach this seminar will be with southwest to Texas in April, so maybe I’ll get to hear it first hand 🙂


Evidently this is at least one of the themes of this years “reality television” craze.

Dancing with the Stars has one of Hugh Hefner’s “number one girls”, Holly Madison, who is thus “famous” cover girl whose bio on their website says she also directed, produced, and edited layouts for the magazines photo spreads. She was evidently the number one runner up for the show who stepped in when musician “Jewel” got injured and had to withdraw.

The Celebrity Apprentice has Brande Roderick who has also “dated Hugh Hefner”, had her own cover days, and who they have tagged the screen each time she shows up with “playboy playmate” and a business woman based on her sexually charged business entities.

I guess porn really does pay. I guess the media thinks I should teach my high school students that Playboy Playmate is a viable career option that will make you “famous”. Or maybe the producers don’t care and are just trying to get rich and could give a rip what the message is they send.

Today I talked in Encounter about stuff God hates. I’m gonna go on record and say the exploitation of women for sexual pleasure and financially gain is on the list- consenting adults or not. God hates it and we love it. That’s a problem.


I have more, and will blog some specific observations early next week, but for now…. here’s some of my favorite pics from the last 2 days of my rookie experience in NYC with my dad:
Below you’ll find our water taxi trip to the statue of liberty, skyline shots, the subway, central park, the uptown door of a condo I could live in if God made said I “have to” :), a random newly wed couple kissing on top of Rockefeller Center that should be in a disney film, and the skyline at sunset/dusk from the same building.


Welp, I’ve made my first trip to New York and to New York City.  I had to come without Shannon due to the craziness of 5 children and the added needs of our newest recruits, but we are celebrating our 15 year anniversary in June and she thinks we should return.  She thinks this a lot.  Maybe I can sell a kid or something and bring her back with me so we can explore some more together.

Anyway, here’s what I’m learning in my 2 days of being a tourist and preparing for my 15 year anniversary evidently:

I KID YOU NOT… SWATCH IS STILL IN BUSINESS.  Virgin Mobile is closing, but Swatch Watch is still going strong like it’s 1985.  Wow.

THERE IS A HARD ROCK CAFE IN EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE WORLD.  And, there’s enough memorabilia to fill 500 more evidently.  
HARD ROCK CAFE BELIEVES ALL “RELIGIONS” REALLY ARE THE SAME…. Elvis, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, all were sharing the same message.  Someone needs a history lesson.
YOU DON’T WANT A CAR IN NYC, cuz parking sucks so bad they stack em.
MACYS HAS BEEN IN NY SO LONG THEY HAVE WOODEN ESCALATORS.  Yep, like hardwood floor that moves.  Crazy nuts.  The wood worker in me so dug it.
TIME SQUARE HAS A HUGE ELECTRIC BILL… so much so that it could rival Vegas and I’m convinced- power the entire state of Montana.   Standing in the middle of the night feels like mid day there’s so many massive lit up signs selling everything from food to movies to bras to news.

THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING AT NIGHT IS COOL.  You should see it then.  It’s open til 2am.  You should NOT buy the lame-helicopter-pseudo-video-star-tours-look-a-like-thingamajig they are going to try and sell you.  It’s great if you’re 8.  After that, skip it.  My lovely friend Chuck Bomar told me this in a text 5 minutes AFTER we bought out tickets.  I’m saving you the pain.  Here’s the pictures that prove the view from the top is so worth it though.

NYPD COPS ARE BORED.   They have signs everywhere saying they are watching you with video surveillance cameras and they are standing on virtually every street corner and if you go to the top of the Empire State Building, they are so bored they’ll come buzz the tower and shine their lights and jack with the people for a photo op just for fun.  They did it twice while I was on the 86th floor.  Bored cops are fun.

CABS, CABS, CABS.  If you move to Manhattan, do not buy a yellow car.  DO NOT.  unless you like being whistled and yelled at.  Then rock on.


This morning I’m headed to New York City to hang with my dad for two days before teaching YS One Day on Saturday.

So, like a good air passenger, I have my laptop, my cell phone, my ipod, my carry on, and my java.

In the process of getting my java, I got a low fat lemon muffin.

In the process of peeing before getting on the plane, I placed my java and my bag on the nice shelf they give you above my conveniently placed urinal. So I did double duty and peed (is that a real word?) and read.

My muffin bag claims it:

  • flavors my senses. sweetens my disposition, stirs my imagination, and nourishes my dreams

Dang. That’s one amazing muffin. I though it was talking about God for second.My coffee cup says:

  • Americans spend an average of 29 hours a week watching television- which menas in a typical life span we devote 13 uninterrupted years to our TV sets! The biggest problem with mass media isn’t low quality, it’s high quantity. Cutting down just an hour a day would provide extra years of life- for music and family, exercise and reading, conversation and coffee.- Michael Medved

Dang. That’s a lot of TV. If you have 29 hours on average a week to burn. Please call me. I have LOTS of work for you. Oh… and I read a statistic the other day that said you actually burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV. Haaa! I wonder if you burn more if you sleep while watching TV. If so, my grandma would have disappeared from earth instead of died.