Husband. Dad to 5. Student Ministry Pastor. Follower of Jesus. Yatta yatta.

Archives for May 2006


I am sick. I am tired. I could list a lot of things I’m sick and tired of in me and the world. But that would be pointless and endless. But maybe it would make me feel better. Doubt it. Right now it should suffice to say that I have a sore throat and sleepy eyes. I’m going to take medicince and go to bed… someday. After my stinkin seminary paper is done.


Ok, so I’ve become kind of a podcast junkie. I subscribe to several. I listen to them while I drive- almost exclusively now. Most are long so I have to listen to them in 15 minute intervals… but I kinda like it. I listen to one that’s basically the audio of ABC news nightline. Like watching the news without the pictures. Kinda wierd. Kinda cool. I wish my church did one so I could listen to the messages too.

Anyway, I subscribe to some that are silly, some from my friends, some from preachers, and one from Relevant Magazine. Which is fast becoming my favorite. It’s professional and spontaneous too. This last one I really enjoyed. It has a great conversation among friends thinking/debating the issue of how much financial success is it ok to enjoy as a Christian. Very interesting. I really enjoyed being a fly on the wall in the discussion… though I think it missed a huge piece of the puzzle by not discussing how the way I live and the choices I make with my own money affects the poor and hungry around the world. I really wrestle with that a lot myself. But it was great stuff anyway. I think it’s worth playing in a small group or with some friends to provoke a quality discussion and react/respond to it while looking at some key passages from the Bible.

So, if you want a great listen download the Relevant Magazine Podcast episode dated 5.19.06 off of itunes and give it a listen while you drive.

One more thing… one of the guys in the podcast team (Tyler) won a karoke contest by singing a Johnny Cash song at a local bar where a radio station was hosting the competition. It’s really funny. Plus, if you enjoy Karoke… they’re challenging others to a duel. I laughed. Perhaps you will too.


“Dad, can we please stay up and watch a movie tonight?”

“Ok, if you guys take a nap today, you can stay up till 9:30 pm.”

9:00 pm…
“you guys want some popcorn?.”

Never mind. I’ll just go get the camera.


I just got back from seeing Mission Imposible III tonight with Shannon and her cousin who’s staying with us this weekend. It’s non-stop shooting and running and bad guys and plot and well…

…whenever I walk out of one of those movies I keep waiting for someone to try and jump me on the way to the car. I carry my keys between my fingers confidently as if I could kill an army bare handed with them if I needed to. Then I get in my car and try and drive home on lanes I make up while checking my rear view mirror to see if we’re being followed. I’ll probably wake up tonight in a cold sweat with a pistol in my hand and a bad guy dead at my childrens door step only to discover it’s the dog.

Now I’m going to go check my phone line to see if it’s tapped and erase my hard drive cuz all of this is being tracked by that new CIA head guy the Senate/House are all up in arms about. Surely I’m being watched- my blog gets hundreds of secret CIA hits a day. Don’t worry though- I’m ok. Jack Bower is on my side. I think all of Capital Hill must have seen this movie and a few too many seasons of 24 too.


Why do I do what I wish I did not? Why is self-discipline so hard?

Why do so many veteran pastors I know not lead a small group? Why are so many not even in one where they regularly live an accessible life to a few? When did that become “normal and acceptable?”.

Why does every pastor in my generation have a horror story tied to another pastor in an older generation? What will the generation of pastors below me think? Where are the blind spots in my leadership?

Why is it that older leaders who specifically and intentionally mentor younger ones are so rare and hard to find?

Why doesn’t God speak audibly and regularly to everyone? I think he and I should have coffee or holy water or whatever, face to face, once a year at least. I wonder why he doesn’t do that? I wonder what I would do if he did?

If as a Christ follower, I’m called to be like God, does the process of growing more like him stop at death or does it go on for eternity?

What did God do before he made the earth or time as humanity knows it?

How expensive does gas have to get before I quit buying it?

How many teachable moments have I missed with my kids because I was not tuned into the moment?

Why is it the more I learn, the less I know?

…. just some questions…. maybe you have your own list…. not sure I want answers so much as company in the journey.