Why do we bother to put time and effort into changing the background of our weekend series and giving hours to changing the decor of our weekend series?
Answer: cuz it makes a difference when you walk in the room and see this.
(thanks to Randy Lipsey for a sweet job! u r the man!)
Last weekend we kicked off our new series “Indignant”. We talked about apathy and how important it is to care about the stuff God truly cares about by actually having a God honoring angst about the stuff that angers God. Next week is injustice, followed by division, followed by deception on Easter.
I’m stoked about the difference I think this series could make in our students awareness of the sin in our world and why they should declare it “absolutely evil” and choose to stand it the way. We could become some serious salt and light to some areas that are tasteless and dark in this world. And…. we kicked off the series with a full house! so cool.
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