Last night we went to a night of worship that our ministry does every year around the National Day of Prayer with high school ministries from all over the East County of San Diego.
It usually involves music, scripture, prayer, and some sort of experiential moment where students can do something out of their seats. Last night was no different on many of those levels. Lots of participation and various elements in the hour and a half we had together at a church across town.
But there were 2 things that were different about last night I found very encouraging and both involved our students stepping up to risky moments of faith.
- I volunteered our student band to lead the music portion of the night. When we were setting up they all said, “this is the biggest stage we’ve ever played on.” In more ways than one, that might have really been true. In the end, they sounded great, they led with excellence and humility… and they directed students and adults to God. It was so sweet to see them lead this way. I was so honored to be remotely associated with what they displayed on that stage- especially since I can’t take credit for ANY of their skill or ability.
- I had an amazing conversation with someone who took a massive risk to confess a fear and ask for help. It was such an answer to the prayer from the post before this. So cool how God works in just the times that we all really really really need to hear from him.
But I do commend you for being a man of God before these kids. Thank you for
loving them and leading them. You have shown them a Jesus they want to love and follow. Thank you from my heart. April