Well anyway, it was a good time with them, but the culture shock for me were these 2 things:
1. They start off by sharing “children” stories to laugh at the silly things their kids do and say. No big deal. Except that almost all of these stories today were about feminine products and body parts questioned by their small male children. My favorite was some lady who took her kid bra shopping. When the toddler saw all the bras and mannequins and such, he announced, “Look mommy, it’s like boobieland.” This kid is clearly revealing his cards a little too early in life. As the only one in the room without “boobies”, these stories make you wonder what realm I just entered.
2. They also ask this question to start off every meeting. “Um, does anyone want to announce a pregnancy… doing your part to keep MOPS going?” This was really weird. One lady then actually stood up, they all clapped and gave her a prize and had her pick a blue or pink bootee out of a bin over her head to predict it’s gender. I think this was nice and sweet, just something I’ve never experienced. Can you imagine if I stood on stage in my high school group and asked, “Hey, I was just wondering as we kick off our next dating series, anybody want to announce they’re pregnant? If so, we have a prize for you.” I guess context really does matter.
I’m blessed to have 3 boys. My poor wife must be feeling my pain everyday. The momentary baptism into girlland was enough to make me thank Jesus for my boys.
With Belle, I am now outnumbered 2-1 in my house. Janelle’s dad had four kids, all girls. I love having a baby girl…but I must say I’d like a boy to even out the numbers a little.
I also have yet to experience this, I think the difference between a boy and girl from my perspective would be that I’d be excited to see my boy grow into a man but I’m scared to see my baby girl enter a world of boys and men.