Today was a great day at our church. We had 80-90 parents of teens show up for a day of training- that was beyond our wildest expectation. Josh and I gave a brief overview of our student ministries philosophy as it relates to parents. Then Ed Noble, our teaching pastor and a former youth pastor of 20+ years, shared his thoughts and learnings. Finally, Kurt Johnston from Saddleback’s middle school ministry and a mentor of Josh’s gave some of his learnings as a parent. We then took questions and answers as a panel while the crowd ate lunch. It was very encouraging as a pastor and a parent to see such a full house come to better themselves as parents. I found myself trying to soak up the learnings from these two men and this crowd who are farther down the road than I in the parenting process.
All 3 sessions: Kurt, Ed, and Josh and I’s were prepared independently of one another. So, as we heard the 3 talks become one seminar, it was great to see some trends emerge. They were clearly Spirit led. I tried to weld them in my brain and be a learner.
Here were my top learnings/reminders in the process of parenting.
- TODAY: Treasure the moments of childhood. They’ll be gone before I know it. Be thankful my boys still want to play with me. Someday that may change. I came home and was bombarded by requests to “come wrestle and jump on the trampoline.” It was like God was saying, “are you going to do this or not?” I dropped my bags and went to wrestling.
- FORGIVE: Myself and my kids. I’m not perfect. My kids aren’t perfect. We all need forgiveness. I need this daily.
- PRIORITIES: Some hills are not worth dying on. As a parent, it’s critical I fight for the issues that Jesus would die on and let the rest go.
- EMBRACE THE PROCESS: There are no parenting formulas. There are no guarantees. There are only people (adults and children) on a crazy process of becoming who God has made us to be. That road to Christ-likeness is up and down and side to side and forwards and backwards. It’s complicated and simple and complex and ugly and beautiful. It’s a process. Some days I’ll feel like I’m on top of the world. Some days I’ll feel like a failure. Either way. I’m in process and so are my kids.
I am a parent. I thank God for this privilege, responsibility, joy, and scary endeavour he has called me to.
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