I got back from Africa on Tuesday of this week. Wednesday I slept, went through the mail, and unpacked. Thursday and Friday was the leadership summit all day. Today, I can’t shake the feeling of just utter laziness. I have so much to do but am struggling to stay awake. This jet lag thing is killing me.
Oh… and if you think it’s hotter at the equator than in San Diego…. um… that’s a lie. It’s way hotter here than anywhere I went in Uganda. The hottest I experienced was the day with the Rhinos and it was still much cooler than what I have come home to, which is not helping my energy level much I fear.
This is my family actually on the equator- which runs through 10 countries in the world- 6 of them on the African Continent… and it was not as hot here as it is in San Diego.
This Tuesday I start my annual fall ritual of coaching two soccer- teams twice a week. I better get some energy soon.
Ecuador is one of them!!! I went too!
So do you agree with me Cass? Is it hotter in Chico than it was at the Equator?
I checked out your blog too on your trip. Sounds like we should get together and swap pictures and stories. Can’t wait till our paths cross again.