For the last 4 summers of my life, I’ve been going to a camp our high school program attends/runs at Point Loma Nazarene here in San Diego. It’s called OGN or Operation Good News and it was started by our teaching pastor- Ed Noble- who still comes. The students go to class in the morning. We discuss how to talk about faith and how to process different theologies. Then we go out every day and engage the community in spiritual subject conversations. Then we come back and do some worship and a teaching. We do that every day for a week.
For the last 2 years, the leadership of the camp however has been placed on my shoulders. This year…. the weight was kinda heavy as I had lots of administrative duties that before were someone elses. But all in all, 180 people, 8 churches, and lots of work later… it was a sweet week.
But it was not relaxing! When I got done with camp. I slept for 16 hours almost straight. I woke up for dinner once.
Here’s some memories in pictures and brief stories that remind me why I do this.
#1. The friendships and life change are so worth it. 10 of our students indicated a desire to do some capacity of ministry full time at this week. I’m so stoked at how God is moving in our students lives. Nothing excites me more than students being inspired to do this in the local church. So cool.
#2. Um… the 4th of July in SD is crazy. But this year, it was crazy fogged in!!!! Check this pic out…. you can’t even see the end of the peer.
#3. Every year I have some great conversations with people I never would have met had I not got up the nerve to talk to a stranger. This year, even one gal and her sister came to our church following a “random conversation” with a woman in our ministry. So cool. Here’s a pic of two of our team just talking with a guy at Pacific Beach.
#4. However, you also see some really crazy things. Most of which I cannot post pictures of. This one however was funny to me. It’s a guy who rides his bike with 2 rats on his bike and person. His name is Chris. Chris the rat man I say.
#5. Lots of students loving on Jesus with music.
#6. The crazy memories of making 200 books. Julia became spiral girl at one point. Tegan got so good at this thing that she actually could make a book every 3 minutes. With 200 books to do, that’s a lot of spiral binding.
#7. Sunsets. They are always sweet at point loma. Here’s 2 I snapped.
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