Well, it’s been about a week of the new blog look and so far, all has been positive.
A few constructive critiques from my family:
- My brother-in-law informed me that lots of people find them through me, so I added a link to them to their blog on the left to keep the link love in the family.
- My mother told me she didn’t notice any changes. She does not use a blog reader, so I’m guessing my mom must be reading some other families blog. I’ll send her the correct link.
- My mother-in-law however informed me that the text color was too light for the posts. She had to use her glasses and flew all the way to San Diego to tell me. So, because I want to bless her, I fixed it. For all you who found the grey text hard to enjoy, I offer you the distinct advantage of black text. Black is better.
See, I am a full service blog provider. Your comments are appreciated and influential- especially when not anonymous :).
I’m subscribed to your feed so I didn’t know there was a change until this post. It looks good.