I suck at updating my myspace. I’m horrible at checking it. I get reminders that I have friend requests, comments, and all kinds of junk on there. I tried to sign up for facebook once to see if I could do that any better, but something froze and my computer went stupid in the process and I took it as a sign from God that it wasn’t worth it.
However, I have a big problem as a high school pastor, my students use myspace comments and bulletins all stinkin day long. I think they have a chip embedded in their brain somewhere that syncs their thoughts to their comment section. So in an effort to try and speak their language, we decided to open up a student myspace for our youth group sometime last year. I met with a student who helped me get one started and set up and then she handed me the password. That was a bad idea. It was janky (my new 80’s hold over word cuz my students have never heard it and think it’s funny- so I throw it around a lot lately), and I never updated it because as I previously already confessed, I suck at updating my myspace.
So, the other day I got smart and stopped trying. I took a big let-go-of-the-control-of-our-reputation gulp and asked a trusted high school student who comes to the office every week to take control of our student myspace. Yep, I gave them the keys to our whole world on the myspace highway. But, it has paid off. Big time. It now has the weekly bible study from our weekend program on it every week. It has updated photos. They actually went online and started finding all our high school leaders and students who come to youth group but weren’t on our “friend list”. The students on that list now get weekly reminder bulletins about our upcoming events and programs. It’s so awesome and they are excited that our myspace is actually functional and the best part of it all…
I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT and I never have to say anything to make it happen. This article I ran into today, says that’s not only the smartest thing I ever did, it’s evidently the entrepreneurial thing to do these days!
Now if I could just get them to handle my personal one, I’d be really good.
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