Husband. Dad to 5. Student Ministry Pastor. Follower of Jesus. Yatta yatta.


Well, long time, no post. Here’s why.

4 DAYS CAMPING IN THE REDWOODS WITH OUR EXTENDED FAMILY…. we did some kayaking on the river.

4 DAYS CAMPING IN ON LAKE TRINITY WITH OUR FRIENDS…. lots of kneeboarding, swimming, and bonding.

PERFORMED A WEDDING FOR A FORMER STUDENT… what a joy long term ministry and friendship is.

TJ TURNED 9… and we went to Boomers while still in Nor Cal.

WENT TO WATCH THE PADRES GAME WITH YOUTH GROUP… got super bored so started taking dumb photos while holding the camera myself like a myspace pro.

AND A MISSIONS TRIP TO MEXICO…. 11 students, 4 adults, 4 kids, 3 houses to paint, 1 awning to build, 1 VBS to lead, good times to be had, and plenty of dirt roads to drive.

AND A NEW DOG ZEUS TO ADD TO OUR FAMILY… gotta love craigs list and free stuff.

if you want to see more pics… you can check out the more complete set here of the last 6 weeks of Berry Family craziness.


  1. love shannon’s face in that pic!

  2. amy saito says:

    wah, whuh? What you doing going to Mexico and not telling me? dang boy. I’m jealous

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