Well, here’s two picture collages from day one. If you click on them they get bigger.
This one is all of us crammed into one bus thing to get from Entebbe to Kampala. Note what people manage to put on their bikes. The top right has one guy with a traveling store following a guy with a giant milk can. Another is carrying a large pile of sugar cane. I love their resourcefulness and creativity. The bottom is a shot of me with my guide Joshua on a “boda boda” or motorcycle. This is how my brother in law (who I’m following in the picture another boda boda) got to the bank.
This one is of the place our team spent their first night.
One picture that deserved its own full shot. This is the HUGE thunder storm that rolled into the area the day we arrived and rolled out about 2 hours later. Check out that AWESOME gazeebo. Crazy.
Thank you for the photos. I can see my son, so I know he did not wander off and get lost. Constant prayers for the team, the children and the leaders. Exciting time for all of us.Bless you, stay healthy.
That snail is as big as a hand! I had no idea God created them that big. Uganda must be snail paradise.