We’re doing a our annual PARENTING SUMMIT again on January 28th this year at Journey. While the basic principles of investing in parents and tying what we do as parents to what we do in our kids and student ministries are a huge focus, this year we’re also coupling it with 14+ seminars and breakouts that parents can choose to attend during 2 separate break out session time blocks.
I’ll be teaching a seminar covering the subject of the book I just finished writing “As for Me and My Crazy House” which comes out in March. That seminar deals with 3 focus points as a parent which I’m excited to flush out briefly with parents who attend. We’ll cover:
- taking care of your own heart.
- tending to your marriage
- caring for your family.
In addition to that seminar, there will also be seminars by many of our pastoral staff and several from our church and school community sharing insights on this list and more:
- How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk
- Telling your kids about Jesus
- Setting boundaries through discipline, communication, and responsibility.
- Attachment and kids
- Parenting your special needs child
- Protecting your home from online porn and predators.
- A Parents Guide to Social Media
- Raising boys into men who love Jesus
- Adoption 101
- Parenting adults: when the empty nest ain’t so empty
- Keys to understanding their Unique Personality Styles
- Parenting a kid that is not your own
- Raising Toddlers into Teens you love
I’ll keep updating the website and more details to come in the next 2 weeks.
But if you’re in the area and passionate about parenting, please don’t miss this great training day. At only $8 per parent or $12 per couple, it’s a GREAT day of training for a minor investment of 1/2 a Saturday. I really believe it will be so worth your time. Just head to the website and register and you’re good to go.
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