Husband. Dad to 5. Student Ministry Pastor. Follower of Jesus. Yatta yatta.


We’re in a new series in our high school ministry called, “It Ain’t the Brady Bunch” and it’s all about family. Here’s the series breakdown of the 4 week series:

  1. It Ain’t the Brady Bunch…. but it is my family.
  2. It Ain’t the Brady Bunch… but they are my parents.
  3. It Ain’t the Brady Bunch…. but these are my wounds.
  4. It Ain’t the Brady Bunch…. but I can shape my future.

We decided it’d be fun to play our version of the Family Feud on week one. So, we made each table into it’s own family and did some “survey says” contests. You know, where they survey 100 people and then list the top “x” number on the board. Well, I didn’t feel like looking around for the top 100 lists on the internet, so I just poled my kids instead. I asked them each to come up with 3 answers and it then became, guess the top 9 things the Berry Boys said.

My favorite category was “Name Stuff Mom Needs.”

Here’s the list. They make me laugh.


  1. My goodness-How my kids pegged me!! I’d agree, but the #1 answer would be Dad, certainly not #3. 🙂

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