Easter with the Berrytribe was fun, relaxing, and a reminder of how blessed we really are. Here’s the story in some pics.
Saturday was easter egg decorating, cake baking, and ended with watching a video about the Easter Story.

Sunday morning began with the both sets of grand parents arriving at our house, the Grandpa’s and I hiding candy filled eggs while the kids hide upstairs. They know we hide them 🙂
We then went to church at Journey and headed to La Jolla for lunch at Georges. I had steak and eggs and it was grubbin! The kids had fancy french toast.
We then went for our favorite walk along the coast and took some family pics. It’s days like this that make me feel guilty for living in San Diego.
i meant to tell you a couple weeks ago (after our last 7th grade guys small group prior to spring break) that both brett and i were blown away by what seemed like an overnight shift toward manliness in TJs face. seriously — it was like, one week he looked like a boy, and the next week he looked like a young man. crazy. i see it in these pics also, which is what reminded me.
the girls are noticing too and his mom ain’t too happy about it 🙂