I love to watch David Crowder lead worship. I love joining with him as I sing. It makes me happy. It makes me think- and mostly that this must make God happy. At some point, he inevitably gets the whole crowd to bounce. I once saw him lead at a willow creek student ministries conference where they had the balcony bouncing so much that they did structural damage to it and had to shut it down for the last day of the conference. I thought that was hysterical and awesome.
Anyway.. he and his crew are coming out with a new album. I ran across his blog as a link on a friend of mine’s blog once and currently he’s blogging the recording process and basically any randomness he wants to on the net- which only adds to my joy. I laugh at him daily now… since he rarely posts… this blog is kinda fun to read and anticipate the result of if you’re a David Crowder Band fan.
In his own words… “the jiggling has commenced.”
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