The highlights of Christmas Day were double this year. Double the people. Double the food. Double the blessings. Double pretty much everything.
Here’s the loot that is not for 3 boys, but for 6 cousins. That’s double the joy of giving.
Here’s our food and family around dinner that night that is so much of what we thank God for and is well over double what we normally serve. (note the sweet wide angle I got with my new SLR lense my parents gave me. Thanks mom and dad. Thanks a lot)
My cup runneth over- all over everywhere actually. What a great thing it is to pray with family, enjoy my family, laugh and eat with my family, and share a passion for Jesus with my family. I know all too well in my line of “work” how rare that truly is. I am blessed.
We had the best time at your house – it will surely go down as an all-time favorite memory, and one we hope to repeat many times over in the coming years! Thanks for putting up with us for a whole week! Love, Brad