Later I went for a 3 mile run on the deck that goes around the lower level. I was hoping to see a whale or dolphin or something cool like that… but no go. Just enjoyed the sea breeze and tried to burn some calories before we got dressed up and gorged ourselves at dinner.
Dinner was one of 2 formal nights we had on the ship. We asked our group when was the last time that one of us got dressed up to take our spouse somewhere to dinner when it wasn’t associated with a wedding or work related function and pretty much… the answer was never… so this was a fun treat. After dinner we went and laughed at a comedian and then tried to get the DJ in the skywalker bar (this bar that was like 150 feet up above the water and looked like the spoiler on a race car for our boat) to play some good old school 80’s tunes. He wouldn’t do it. We eventually wore him down as the week went on and by the last night… when we came in he pretty much just turned it on so we could re-live our high school dance days and laugh at ourselves.
here’s the photo’s of formal night in front of the first of many sunsets I filmed… I made sure not to miss one on the trip.
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