Husband. Dad to 5. Student Ministry Pastor. Follower of Jesus. Yatta yatta.


There are two- well actually three- billboards in my community that I pass up fairly regularly on my way to class. I risked my life on the freeway to photograph them for you.

One is creative, fun, and comically out of place. It’s two billboards having a snowball fight. Click the picture below and it’ll get bigger and you can see for yourself. But anyway, I dig it. It makes me smile. Party because in some strange way it’s about coffee and partly because it’s in a place where last year on Christmas Eve my kids had a water fight while I washed the car because it was 94 degrees. Notice their throwball fight is over a palm tree 🙂

The second is someone’s idea of outreach I guess. I’m not sure what they are hoping for or why, but someone saw it fit to put some big sign up asking people if they are thinking about where they are driving theologically. This is moderately weird to me. It also presents God as a destination instead of a guide or a partner in life. I’d rather it said, “Choose wisely. No road is worth traveling without God.” But I’d really rather it said, “Merry Christmas. -Jesus”.


  1. Congrats on not being dead.

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