Well, it’s been quite the week and I’ve been trying to post this for days, but I finally have found the time to make it happen.
On Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 3:30pm in the afternoon, Becky and Billy officially and irrevocably became part of the Berrytribe. When we returned from Uganda in February of this year, they had a visa to get into the U.S., were issued a residency card good for 10 years, and were ours under an “irrevocable guardianship” from the Ugandan Government.
However, the deal was not done done until we signed the final papers on this end and on Thursday we went from guardians to officially Mom and Dad. They both will now be issued US birth certificates and have citizenship both here and in Uganda. So cool.
Billy’s new birth certificate will read: Billy Isaac Lochoro Berry
Becky’s new certificate will read: Becky Joy Ilukol Berry.
Here’s a pic of us in front of the Courthouse in Kampala, Uganda 11 months ago.
Here’s the signing of the official docs here in the US.
Here’s the pic of the official Berrytribe and the Judge declaring it so!!!
So stoked for you guys man!