We have had our share of family firsts: first born, first house, first job, first trip to Africa, yatta yatta.
As far as firsts go, last year was pretty unique. It was the first and only year with all 3 boys in the same all day school.
Well, today was yet another first. Today is Shannon and I’s first official first day as parents of a Middle Schooler! Today T.J. started Middle School in the 6th grade. Tyler is in 3rd grade and Jake is now in 1st.
To commemorate the start of this new school year, I have deemed Monday (my day off) as “walk to school day.” So, in honor of my edict, we all walked to school- even Zeus came. Afterwards Shannon and I went to starbucks, came home, ran a grip of errands, made some lunch, and headed back to pick up the boys, run some more errands, make dinner, and then do some more gardening. Quite the full day.
Here’s a collage of the first day of the Berrytribe 08/09 school year. Man time flies.
i like how, without a comma, your last sentence refers to “man time”, which goes by quickly. considering your day, and the # of “men” in the berry home, this seemed completely appropriate.
Gosh, time really is flying by. I can’t believe that TJ is in the 6th grade already. I guess I better watch out cause before I know it Savannah will be waving by to me as she walks into school herself. Miss you all tons. Squeeze those boys and tell them it’s from Miss Andrea!! 🙂 Love ya.
Man, time flies.
“Man time” flies too.
And in my world, as you said, both are way too true.
Aundrea…. I agree. Hold onto those moments and I better get my butt to Idaho or the first time I meet your kids they’ll be saying graduating. Ugh. Time flies and friends are too few and FAR between.
love you. The hugs are mutual.
I hope I get to see you all next summer at Trinity. I miss you all, the boys aren´t alowed to grow up that fast. Tell them Miss Cass said hi too! And give them all a big hug for me. Shannon too!!