I have returned to my birthplace and discovered what’s wrong with me… I’m from buttcrack nowhere.
But, believe it or not, they have espresso and free wireless internet here! Go figure! I’m sure starbucks will be here in a year or so 🙂
Anyway, my Dad has been telling stories to me and anyone who will listen since the plane ride. It cracked me up to see my Dad showing the map of the island to the stewardess on Alaska Airlines who has been flying out here for the last 20 years. She was so excited to hear my Dad’s stories and he was happy to share. (My sister and brother-in-law would be proud of Dad’s infamous and creative use of his transitions this week… speaking of __________, let me tell you about ________. )
Our first two days here were very rare clear days which we maximized and I’ll share more to come. It’s been funny to be here in a small town and a fun to walk around. For my Dad, who was in charge of some of the maintenance here- it’s been a mix of fun and sadness I think to see somewhere he had fond memories of be so trashed by vandalism, neglect, and the weather for much of the old buildings… but all in all… we’ve had a great time.
Here’s a collage of the arrival our first day….
according to our experience, the two most common are: 1) “…you talk about your glacier hikes…” and 2) “…i never think about ice fishing when i think about…” (yes, #2 is quoted correctly, even though it’s not the correct way to use that saying (e.g. “i can’t think about ice fishing without remembering the time…” or “whenever i hear something about ice fishing i think of the time…”) …anyway, i think a whole book could be written about my quirks so i shouldn’t talk!
by the way, we’re glad to hear you’re having fun!