Husband. Dad to 5. Student Ministry Pastor. Follower of Jesus. Yatta yatta.

Archives for October 2007


Only once in my life has anyone ever confronted me on my prayer life.

No, not like if I pray or when do I pray, but actually on how I pray. It came from Ron Ritchie, a trusted 70 year old mentor. I was 32ish when he looked me in the eye over lunch and in a way only a man who looks like Moses/Grizzly Adams could have said, “Brian, you use God’s name like a comma when you pray. God I pray that (comma God) you would help me do blah blah blah (comma God)…. ” I think it was the first time in my life I’d actually truly thought about how I spoke to God and what words I chose.

He also introduced me for the first time to the PRAYER TOAST. We did it every night after bible study with Ron and our clan of disciples over dinner for a year of Tuesday’s. I use it all the time in restaurants now. Rather than bowing your head and wondering if you’re going to get the prayer done before the waiter returns to interrupt you awkwardly, you just ditch the head bowed deal, grab your beverage, raise it to the sky, and thank Jesus for the fellowship, the food you’re about to eat, the amazing chance to enjoy breath in your lungs, and invite God’s presence to be at the table with you. It’s really refreshing. You should try it sometime. Inviting God to join your table and thanking him for the blessings of food and friends is always sincere and very rare today.

Well anyway, ever since that year of prayer challenges by Ron, I’ve been particularly sensitive to my own prayers and annoyed by some of the traditional habits of the church today in prayer. A couple of things that have happened this week made me think of it, so I decided to blog them. Here you go, here’s my list:

  • THE ANNOUNCEMENT PRAYER: This is not really a prayer at all. It’s not really talking to God, it’s just talking to people while they are in the hypnotic state of eyes closed and heads bowed. It often involves transition hints like, “as the band comes up” or reminders like, “we know that this week is the big blah blah blah”.
  • THE HOUDINI PRAYER: This may or may not be sincere prayer, but it is strategically placed so that we magically whip people on and off stage while your eyes are closed. While you’re supposedly talking to God, the band can magically disappear and the speaker appear or visa versa- as if the angel of the Lord himself whisked them off the stage like Houdini.
  • THE NO ONE’S LOOKING PRAYER: This is the prayer where we begin by talking to God, then pause to talk to you, asking no one to look around, cuz evidently that screws up the sincerity of someone really talking to God. Now, while “no one’s looking, please raise your hand or look at me or whatever…” cuz now we’re pausing in prayer to talk to you all.
  • THE GOD IS A COMMA/MUST LOVE TO HEAR HIS OWN NAME PRAYER: This prayer is one I was very good at and have tried to ditch. It’s the prayer that uses God more times in one sentence than is humanly possible. It is common, but evidently only something we do in prayer. Can you imagine saying to me at dinner, “Dear Brian, thanks so much Brian for having us over for dinner Brian. I just love you Brian. Brian you have blessed us so much Brian that we wanted to tell you Brian that we are here to serve you Brian with our whole lives Brian. Amen Brian. Amen.” Yeah, it sounds stupid, but if you insert God in there for me, well, you have the classic comma/name prayer.
  • THE END THE MEETING PRAYER: This prayer is just a prayer we do cuz the meeting is over and evidently, no two Christians are allowed to talk and then leave without praying to sorta close the book on this deal. Most of the world just says, see you later. Christians feel the need to make sure God knows we’re done talking now.
  • THE IN CASE GOD WASN’T LISTENING PRAYER: This is where we go around the room and have everyone share prayer requests. Then, after we have talked to one another for a while about them, we then repeat exactly what we’ve all been talking about but now, we do it with sentences that begin with “Dear God” and end with “Amen” since evidently when we were saying them before, we were talking to ourselves and God was busy somewhere else.
  • THE GOSSIP PRAYER: This is a classic one. This often never makes it to prayer. But under the umbrella of protection of a prayer request, we gossip about others so that the person who is receiving the juicy facts can take them back and pray about them.
  • THE SUPER SPIRITUAL PRAYER: This one is where the person praying uses words that only God can understand and that are only used when praying. It’s often with hands held up, sounds really super theological, and usually gets them asked to pray a lot, cuz it sounds like something God himself might say in 1850.
  • THE IT’S TIME TO SHUT UP PRAYER: This prayer is not really prayer. It’s just a reality that the one at the mic is being ignored, so instead of waiting for the crowd to get quiet, they just start praying and inevitably, a shhh and side slap hitting fest goes across the audience that tells people to shut up, somebody up front is pretending to pray so you all will stop talking.

ok… I could go on… but it’s getting depressing since I’ve been guilty of almost all of these a time or two.

I think I’m going to stop blogging and go pray. I surely need it.


For the love of all things holy. Please. Get a clue and stop smoking in our natural park.

Not only are they telling us everywhere in San Diego that smoke and ash is horrible for you to breathe, but on top of that, people come to my court to smoke and drink all the time. I didn’t realize I was in weed central when I bought the house, but I have come to consider this just part of my local context. Normally, this is just annoying, a slight danger to my kids safety while playing outside, and an occasional chance for student ministry on my block. But occasionally it becomes idiotic.

This week qualifies as idiotic. We have no school which means that there are bored high school students all over the place. They have nothing to do. So my court becomes like some kind of get drunk and high smokers magnet.

Problem is, half the freakin’ county is on fire, over a billion dollars in damage, 14 people have died, and these kids are smokin’ in the biggest unburned fire tinder box my community has. It’s literally 50 yards from my house. Dry and highly flamable. Here’s what I’m talking about.

So, once a day for the past 3 days I’ve walked outside to find cars in the court I live on. All 3 times I’ve walked over to talk with a group of high school students who drove them. Here’s what happened:


  • Met 2 high school guys before they got out of the car. Said, “I know that a lot of people like to come to this park to smoke and get high. If you’re planning on smoking in the park today, that would be a really really bad choice. The world is on fire, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t risk ours.” They agreed and left.


  • I walked into the park to find 3 girls. They weren’t hard to find. Weed is easy to follow. I found 3 girls sitting in a circle tokin’ up. I said, “Not only is it illegal to smoke weed in this park, but today there are hundreds of thousands of people out of their homes because of fires. And you’re smoking in the midst of a huge pile of dry leaves and sticks. Could you please stop and leave.” They said, “We have an ash tray.” I said, “Great, but could you stop anyway.” They said, “yes, we’ll leave.”


  • I walked into the park to find 15 students who had parked 3 cars in my court. As they were walking out with beer in hand. They said to me, “What’s up?” (while trying to hide beer behind their back and 2 made a sprint for the creek to go around to their car behind my back.) I said, “Um, the world is on fire and you’re smoking and drinkin’ in a grove of eucalyptus trees that will go up in flames in a second.” They said, “Yeah, I told so and so not to do that.” I said, “If you catch this place on fire, we’re all in a world of hurt. Not to mention the fact that you’re underage, drinking, and then driving your car past my kids on your way out of here.” One guy with a beer got smart and said “But I like this forest.” I said, “So do I. Find somewhere else to get drunk and high.” I left and ignored them since they were leaving. One part of me really wished I could hand them an invite to youth group (the cards are at the printers right now). A second part of me really wished I was a cop. A third, really big part of me wanted to punch the kid with the smart mouth and the half drank beer bottle in his back pocket. The other part of me decided to ignore parts 1 through 3 and take my kids to dinner instead. Next time maybe I’ll let part 3 win.


I think I’m gonna make that into a sign and put it over the entrance.


Here’s the latest overall statistics on the fires in our burnt state.

Here’s the latest info I can find on the California wildfire overall statistics:

– Acreage: 431,377

– Homes Destroyed: At least 1,447, according to individual county reports.

– Evacuation: Over 1 million people have been evacuated.

– Damage: Over 1 billion dollars in damages

– Deaths: One fire death, five fire-related deaths.

– Injuries: 30 to civilians, 39 to firefighters.

– At least 12 major fires still burning

Here’s the latest on the Harris Fire- the one that is still burning in some places, with the active part about 5ish miles from my house:

– About 73,000 acres north of the border town of Tecate.

– 10 percent contained– Containment expected Oct. 31.

– 200 homes destroyed, 2,000 homes and 500 commercial properties threatened.

– One civilian killed, 25 injured civilians and seven injured firefighters.


Um… this would not have worked in my world. My wife is currently gone. If I was Tim Stevens, I think she’d probably just stay away.


I awoke this morning to no fire. Just smoke. Like the thickest campfire smell I’ve experienced in a while. I think if you spend 5 minutes outside it will smell like you’ve been bonding with the firemen with marshmallows and hot dogs for a week.

I had to ditch my trip to Idaho. Sucky fire. Guess I don’t have much to complain about. I still have a house full of crap I don’t need. Unlike the 500 homes in Rancho Bernardo where people were left with smoke and a slab of concrete.