Husband. Dad to 5. Student Ministry Pastor. Follower of Jesus. Yatta yatta.

Archives for January 2007

345,000 AT 16 CENTS EA. = DEATH?

TIME MAGAZINE posted this statistic in it’s “numbers” section of this weeks magazine on the feb. 5, 2007 edition:

345,000= number of people worldwide who died of measles in 2005, down 60% from 1999, beating a goal set by the United Nations.

16 cents= cost of measles vaccine which is often unaffordable in the 3rd World without underwriting from charities and foreign governments.

DO THE MATH…. this amounts to less that $55,200. THIS MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM!

How do I reconcile this statistic with this text in 1 John?

The fact that someone could die for lack of 16 cents is asinine on numerous levels… Regardless of whether foreign governments are to blame or not… surely there are believers with material posessions within reach of all of these people. Where in the world can I send 16 dollars to save 100 people’s lives?


This episode of 24 was kinda non-climatic. All I have is a bunch of questions. But only one seems to matter.

What will become of TOM and how will KAREN HAYES get her job back? Maybe that’s 2 questions.

Oh… and I’m a little bummed that next week’s pre-view scenes already showed me how Jack gets uncaught and that he’s already back to torturing his brother. That was a bummer. I’m also bored with the president’s sister’s boss’ plot. I could be totally fine if they left this out of the show all together.


Per my previous post… it looks as though Tyler escaped. However, I heaved from 7pm to midnight on Saturday. I survived teaching on Sunday. Then I slept all day Sunday afternoon. Now I feel like I worked out my puke muscles something intense. I can’t laugh without it hurting. It’s been like that for a day and a half now.

3 cheers for no puking.


Just went to a friend’s house in El Cajon to talk with her family and chat about her serving in our High School Ministry. On my way there I saw this lot:

Which someone evidently thought was worth spending a lot of time and money to make for this view of the trailer park below and the valley/mountains beyond:

GO FIGURE. I love the mountains… it’s just a long way off and if I had this lot, I’d have to plan for a huge “ball fund” for all the ones that we be lost by my kids into the abyss below. I wonder what this view is really worth$$ ?


That’s how many drink combinations this article from TIME says starbucks has. They also want to give you any one of those in 3 minutes or less cuz any longer, and you’ll bolt. 2 thoughts:

  1. Good luck with that. They say they miss the goal 60% of the time.
  2. 3 cheers for American’s patience. We suck at that. Most of the world knows that. Some of the world capitalizes on that.